Thursday, October 18, 2007

Audit Profile Options

By using the following query we can get number of profile option changed along with new values in given number of daysConnect as apps user to instance

SELECT '***Profile Option Name ***'
'*** Was Updated with value '
' In The Last '
&p_no_of_days ' days'
' by '
(SELECT user_name
FROM apps.fnd_user u
WHERE u.user_id = b.last_updated_by) mesg
FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl a
,apps.fnd_profile_option_values b
,apps.fnd_user c
WHERE a.profile_option_id = b.profile_option_id
AND b.last_updated_by = c.user_id
AND ( b.last_update_date > SYSDATE - &p_no_of_days
OR b.creation_date > SYSDATE - &p_no_of_days)